Sports day

My first experience at a sports day for all the local schools. Loud music, singing, dancing, cheering. It had it all.

It cost R5 (50p) to enter for non-competitors, but it was still too much for some. They mostly found ways to watch anyway.

My boys are all pretty short for their age. I was always the shortest in my class at school until my final year when I suddenly grew a foot (from 5' to 6' in one year). I hope they so the same.

They might be short but they sure are strong. I don't think that there is an ounce of fat to be found between the three of them. Viggo qualified for the regional athletics day and had a blast doing long jump. He just sort of ambles up at a deceptive speed. It doesn't look like he is trying very hard, but he was in fist place until the last competitor's final jump when he was pipped into second place.

As usual my heart was all swollen with pride watching him compete. Not sure why any parents worry to watch professional athletes when they can just watch their kids instead.

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