One of five a day

By KiloRomeo


This took time to publish, because her people and my people had to agree on everything, cross the 't's and dot the 'i's

My people thought that this was a better photo, and so despite my preference for another photo, I cropped this blip out of it. Her people may have a thing or two to say about that, for swapping my blip at the last moment.

Her name is pronounced as Neave - my work colleague, who loves sending emails with voting buttons. Currently away on holiday in Malyasia and Australia with her gent of a partner, if her people and my people don't fall out, there may be an 'after' holiday portrait as well.

I suspect you didn't click on this blip to hear me waffle on... so I'll leave you to it. You can probably tell from the portrait that Niamh is lovely. You wouldn't be wrong :)

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