Things will never be the same again

As we drove into town for a bit of shopping today, our attention was caught by a little
Pume of smoke billowing up from the town. It looked like it was coming from the garages in the back road from the main street.

We decided to have a little look, we thought a tyre fire might be quite interesting a blip.

As we turned into the main street we realised it was far more serious. We could see the firemans spray shooting in to the air in the general direction of the shopping area in town.

We realised it would be pointless to try and drive towards it and headed to skirt the town. Every road was blocked. People were standing on the church wall looking over the back of it.

As we turned to the beach road we glanced over and could see fire ladders and water and smoke and realised with horror that the flames were coming from the best eatery drinkery in town.

All along the beach crowds were standing on the embankment and we knew it wasn't good.

We drove round the corner and passed a fireman manning the hydrant. Police cars, and engine tenders were blocking the roads so
We headed up the back road out of the way and went to do our shopping.

When we finished we scouted back round the edge of town - all the roads into the town were closed off by police cars and the smoke was still billowing into the skye.

Facebook has been alive all day with photos and the results are all too clear. It would appear a fire started in the pizza oven and quickly spread. Everyone got out unhurt but Lido is no more.

No more cosmos, no more tablet Sundays! No more chilli chips!

So sorry Buzzworks folks! I hope you get Lido back up and running as quick as you are able! And so, so glad no one was hurt.

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