Simply Me

By Suze981

Pancake flipping!!

There's something you should know about me. I am a phenomenal pancake tosser ahem...flipper. In fact I think that it's cheating not to flip them ANyone who uses a spatula does not deserve to have pancakes.

Tonight I made pancakes just for me for my tea before I head out to a mate's birthday. Do you know how difficult it is to flip a pancake and take a photo of yourself doing it at the same time? Let me tell you it's not easy! This is the best of the bunch - a real action shot!

I love pancakes (and yorkshire puddings - it's the same mix after all). I know I could have them any day of the year, but I don't. why is that?

I have to admit though that to me a pancake is a crepe. I don't understand this scotch pancake, american pancake or dropped scone business. A pancake will always be a thin crepe to me. I don't want to hear any other argument...the others are just wrong!

Ok i'm now full of pancakes so i'm going to roll to my bedroom to see if there is any outfit that can hide the 6 pancakes i just had...eurgh...

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