
By rat

Sarajevo skyline

Holiday Day 5
Were supposed to go to Mostar today but the road was still fairly snowbound and so it would have taken too long, so instead we had a day in Sarajevo.
We had a guided tour in the morning visiting, RC church, Orthodox churches (x2), mosque and synagogue as well as the main streets, the site of the start of WWI and bridges over the river. The insides of the Orthodox churches and mosque were beautifully decorated and one pic in the church was 2nd choice for the blip.
After lunch we wandered around and did some shopping - lovely small rugs were on sale - and found this site which seems to sum up a lot of what we saw.
Ruins, probably left from the war 20 years ago, modern parts (and a brand new building just out of picture) and minarets and towers.
Still very cold but not as bad as in the hills.

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