Morning glory
Morning in Phnom Penh. You can tell that there is a real building spurt here, just by the look of the buildings.
Pre the Khmer Rouge regime, Phnom Penh was one of the most sophisticated and cultured cities in Asia, largely thanks to French architecture and influence. When the city was forcibly emptied for several years, it deteriorated and in recent years has developed beyond all recognition.
Morning glory is the name of a vegetable commonly used in Cambodian cuisine. It's grown within the city in what can only be termed as a huge open air sewage disposal lake, at the end of an open air sewer nicknamed Stinky River by my friends who live near it. I use Stinky River to detect how far I am from their place. I've unwittingly eaten much morning glory as it accompanies many dishes here. The thought makes me a bit queasy.
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