Wistful moments

By KathM

"Emergency" blip...

...or perhaps not. I don't think i'm quite at that stage yet. In fact i'm actually enjoying my life at the moment, rediscovering a long lost social life and making new friends. :-)
This is the 2nd page (obviously) of my calender i was given at Christmas and i promised to share each page as the year progresses. Luckily i remembered just in time! January's picture put a smile on my face and now i'm trying to resist the urge to take a sneaky peek at tomorrow's!
Right now, after i've eaten, i'm poised to embark on a new adventure. My finger is hovering over the "book now" button. I just need to muster up a surge of courage. Hopefully i can enlighten you more if/when i take the plunge!!!

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