When All Else Fails...

...blip the book that asks you questions each day. This one is spot on though. I had the grumpiest of days.

Wednesdays are supposed to be a small iced coffee kind of day. Only half a day of work and an hour and a bit of class. Easy. Until this heathen school I attend decided to switch it up. They cancelled class on Monday "president's day" and made all Monday classes today (I'm still trying to understand the logic behind this). Monday's are my long day. I have class and then lab afterwards meaning I'm there till like 5:30 instead of 3. This made me change my day to a medium iced coffee kind of day.

Factor in the following; the fact that everyone seemed particularly stupid today, I didn't have time to change out of my scrubs before school and people kept looking at me like I was in my underwear, and I got very little sleep the night before, and I live at home, and there was no nap-time today...and you get a very grumpy Jillian indeed.

"What's good about saying nothing is that you lessen the tendency to hurt others. The bad thing is, you never really realize how keeping quiet hurts you."

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