
By patrona

Pla D'Espolla

The geography of our little corner of Spain is interesting and complex, basically we sit on an extinct volcano which is like a giant sponge.It is the product of a series of karstic and tectonic collapses and is fed underground from rivers that come down from the Alta Garrotxa. In dry spells such as the one we are experiencing now all the subterranean channels drain down and feed eventually into the lake. This leaves dry lake beds like the one above.

When it rains all the cells of the sponge fill up from the rivers and this dry lake is transformed into a calm sea of submerged grass and reeds, providing a home for coots and herons and other aquatic birds. Usually March can be relied upon to provide a few lusty downpours so with luck and a following wind the arid crater will be transformed and the cascades to the north will flow once more.

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