Simply Me

By Suze981


Today I had a wee cheeky half day off. I decided that I absolutely have to stick to my training schedule no matter what, and so, the only time I could fit in my 5 miles today was to take the afternoon off work (as I have plans this evening). I have the annual leave to take before it resets on 1 April so I thought, why not?

I ran down London road, turning right at Jock's Lodge, then up the hill before turning right along Duddingston road. This takes you around the bottom of Arthur's Seat and is 2 miles longer than just going round the normal route. I thought going round the bottom would mean it was flat (it certainly looks that way from above). It isn't! My legs were still quite tired from yesterday's run so it was quite challenging!

This is a picture of a heron on a rock at the Duddingston Loch and bird sanctuary. Apparently this loch is the only example of a freshwater loch in the City of Edinburgh. I had no idea! The loch has also been a bird sanctuary since 1925 and is an important site for breeding wildfowl.

I'm just pleased the heron stayed out in the dreich weather for me!

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