
I took this shot looking along Weybourne Beach. Fe took similar shots as well: I'm lucky as I brought my internet dongle and can therefore upload. I never thought having god-awful reception at home would work in my favour, but here is the benefit. I've now managed to blip three days in a row from a caravan notorious for not having a mobile phone signal. How ironic that when I get back to my own living room I shall once again become an occasional blipper.

It's been a cracking weekend. Today the weather often threatened to put a dampener on the day but it never actually managed to break through properly. By the time we hit Weybourne at about 6.00pm the clouds had gone and the skies were blue (or yellow depending on the bit of the sunset we were watching). Mind you it was ball shrivellingly cold out there, poor Fe's fingers were turning blue under her warm wooly gloves. My exposed digits meanwhile still kept their ability to operate a shutter without the need for gloves.

In other news it's Mothers Day, so happy Mothers Day to Mum. It's the first year I've not seen her in a long while which is a bit saddening. We planned our weekend away (me and Fe not me and Mum) before I knew the date for Mothering Sunday. Still we chatted earlier as Fe and I strolled casually along Holkham beach so alls well that ends well.

I hope all ends well for Fabrice Muamba. The Bolton player collapsed and almost died on the pitch yesterday whilst TV cameras were rolling: only the quick actions of the attending medics saved his life. I love the game of football but I have to admit that old adage 'it's more important than life and death' is a load of shit. It isn't.

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