In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Avenues and alleyways

Keeping the light within our vision, we steadily made progress out of the burial ground. Still though, although at a distance, we could here the sounds of being followed.
The sounds kept coming and going. Maybe we were gaining some distance between us and the, the, well whatever it is hat is chasing us.
Or maybe they are closer than we think and are being much more circumspect, with a view to suddenly pouncing on us.
As we were clear of any obstructions under our feet, and now, it seems are on solid ground, solid, like a pavement or road. We mover from fast walking to obtaining a steady running pace. Not too fast as to tire us out. nor to instill cramp or a stitch, which would undoubtedly cause us to slow down, or worse still come to a halt.
We seemed now to be in a maze of avenues and alleyways, first going this way, then going that. Twisting and turning. Making us quite giddy and somewhat dis-orientated.
" Wait." shouted Petra.
"No, No time. we have to keep going." I replied.
" No really. Stop! Hold up one moment" she insisted.
" Are you hurt. Are you lame?" I enquired.
" Not at all. None of that. I am perfectly fine. Well fine enough considering the circumstances we find ourselves in." was her terse, but friendly reply.
" Well them, what is it?" I tetchily replied.
" I really think recognize this place. I am sure that we have been down this way before."
" Do you mean we are going round in circles?" was my disillusioned response.
" No silly, not today. I mean previously. Some other time. Although for the life of me I cannot remember when and why. But I am sure of it. Perfectly sure." she retorted.
Carrying on, somewhat breathlessly she said, " I do believe if we go down this lane," indicating a tight, damp concourse just to the left of us, " It will take us home."
"For certain? I mean are you sure?" I asked.
" Well there is only one way to find out, lets go." and off she said, filled with fresh enthusiasm, unlike anything we have felt for ages.
I, naturally enough, followed on keenly.
Sure enough, after not too long a spell, we noticed, still somewhat in the distance, a very familiar sight.
Our garden wall.
Feeling pleased that safety was in sight, we stopped to congratulate ourselves in making it to safety.
That feeling only lasted a split second, because in our joy, which was short lived, from the doom and gloom behind us, we heard a a hollow, echoing, frightening voice calling.
" Petra.a.a.a, To.o.oby, I know you are there. I am coming to get you!"
One last spurt was all we needed. Just one last brave effort.
Will we make it too safety?
Can we find one final burst of energy to cover the few hundred yards of ground that we need to cover?
Can we? Can we?

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