East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Birdwatching at the River

I wandered down to the river at lunchtime as it was such a lovely day - very sunny but nice and cool. There were quite a few birds sharing the riverbank - the usual Pelicans but also Seagulls and Ibis. Then I walked a bit further along the bank and spotted this fellow sitting on a rock just off the riverbank. I haven't seen one of these before but after consulting my bird book, "Field Guide to the Birds of Australia", I think he may be a "Little Pied Cormorant"??? I'll be happy to be corrected if anyone out there in Blipland know for sure what he is. He/she has a yellow bill and largish black webbed feet, black and white face, white underbelly and black/greyish back and wings. I think he may be a juvenile as he was only roughly 35cm high whereas the guide book says they are 50-55 cm.

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