D&G Day

Today was a D&G Day. Generally they are Fridays as that's when Emmala and I work together but she's been swanning around on leave and then away all this week so it's ages since we've caught up. She likes the D&G so I aim to wear it when she's about.

Apart from seeing Ems it's been a busy old day and the common strand of "easy tasks actually being far more complex on further inspection" continues. Rather than marking tonight I'm proof-reading something for Jemma so it's a nice change and it's history so I'm learning stuff too - who knew that there was so much history? Also had a nice chat with a chum who had some good news to share so it's all good.

Shameless plug - a friend is running the London marathon on Sunday and is struggling to meet her sponsorship target so if you have a couple of bob that you'd like to give to the RNIB please chuck it her way.

Shake the last bits of excitement from this Thursday in preparation for a stonking great Friday which is due to hove into view very soon indeed. Carpe Diem!

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