
By Fido

Light in the darkness?

It's quarter to ten on a Friday night and I am sitting in the dark in my little ones bedroom. Even by our families poor standards this has been a l-o-n-g shift. My boys seem to need someone to stay with them until they get to sleep. We've tried everything, sticker charts, new duvet covers, rewards, story tapes (or the modern day equivalent), novelty alarm clocks, stair gates, doors held closed, lullabies, gentle encouraging, firm handling, but nothing but the presence of mum or dad in the dark by the bed seems to work. And so we sit. Some nights for ten minutes and others, like tonight, for h-o-u-r-s.

I've been following others in blip for a while and love the variety of daily life that is captured here so I thought I'd give it a go.

My photography is of the most basic nature, straight from my iPhone. I'd like to improve my photography skills but right now the thought of finding the correct wire to connect the camera to the computer is too taxing.

So, tonight's blip and my first. The view from my position in my little ones darkened room - an all too familiar sight for me. The bright light is calling me out into the hallway and down the stairs to where my lovely husband and a tasty curry await. Light at the end of the tunnel indeed.

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