Street Food
Just about over my jet lag now. I woke in the early hours and spent an hour or so updating blipfoto, then went back to sleep until after 8.
We met Andrew's friend Brent and his daughter today. The area around Sendagi Station is vibrant on Sundays, the streets are full of people and open fronted stores selling all sorts including many types of food. The narrow streets and buildings are an example of how Tokyo used to be before it was "developed".
We then went for a walk in Yanaka Cemetery. This is a very large, old cemetery which boasts a Buddhist temple and its own police station. The last shoguns of Japan have large plots there. There is also a large number of cats in residence.
On the way home the entire metro system was suspended because of an earthquake warning. We waited until the all clear and then the train resumed. It was not a large earthquake!
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