
By tondrijfhamer

A great finale

After having a grey and wet Saturday yesterday, I had set my mind on todays sunset because last Friday I discovered some nice flowerfields while driving home, and I then decided I would have to go back there this weekend.
I wanted to practise a bit with flowerfields before I go on a short holdiday tomorrow in a region with much much more bulbflowers than the one I live in.
Anyway, a lot of clouds today as well, but I decided that in the evening they would burst open so I contacted fellow-photographer Ron, if he was interested to go as well. He was.
Just before we would leave home I received I message from him, that the conditions didn't look too good, but we'd go for it anyway.
I picked up Peter, who'd come along a well and we drove to the location I so proudly discovered. Arriving at the scene Ron was already there, but still ín his car. Why??
He didn't look too happy either..... He was enthousiastic about the flowerfield, but less about the power lines going right over it. Hmm, it didn't see those while driving by last Friday.

Luckily Ron had spotted another field nearby, so we went on to that location.
It turned out to be a great one. The sky cleared during the period we were there (I knew that of course, because I decided in the afternoon that that would happen, didn't I...) and although we hadn't any direct sunlight, we did see some nice colors in the sky.

The photo you see above is actually my second choice. Just before uploading my first choice I saw Rons photo, and it looked a lot like mine, so I switched.

Peter, Ron, it was great fun being out there in Zijldijk this evening. A great finale of my birthday!!

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