No Originality Parts I, II and III

No originality part I.
I went into the Discovery Centre on my way home to get some inspiration ideas to try out. The annual exhibition of the Winchester Photographic Society is on and there are some amazing images.
No originality part II.
I have seen something similar to this on blip with someone else using the Jane Brown travelling exhibition and using the reflections in the photos. So my acknowledgements (unfortunately I can't link to it because I can't remember where or when I saw it).
No originality part III.
I must have looked as though I knew what I was doing because this woman asked me if I had been to the exhibition before. OK so not quite "do you come here often" but.
So here it is my interpretation of something I saw on blip. A Jane Brown portrait of Woody Allen reflecting other portraits in the exhibition - and a child waiting patiently for her parent (not me!) to finishing looking at the photos.

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