October 4th Journal


Commercial College of Iceland

Second time around I passed the exam, but the clergyman who taught us at Staðarstaður, did I forget to mention that, yet another priest in my life, recommended me to go to The Teacher's Training College because I had taught my roommates with good result.
But he was late, probably drunk and I had to wait a year so I got a job that winter in the fishing industry mostly beheading cod. Doing this all day taught me patience which I needed later on when I began work on animation. One cod, off with his head etc. v.s. one cell under the camera, take a photo etc.

Then I got acquainted with lot of young people who were in Verzló (The Commercial College of Iceland) and they said I should rather go there tan to teaching school - I did and four years later I got my exam.

The pictures: Left upper corner, the schoolhouse as it looked like when I attended the first two years - the other two in the new house, picture beneath. Upper right corner is how the house looks to day.
The logo is the school's and in the right snake you can see Hallgrimskirkja - what else...

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