100 Blips!
Today is my 100th blip! My wife and I went to our favorite little town Roanoke, TX to search for a photo opportunity. She made a 100 sign just in case we couldn't find anything with the numbers on it.
It was warm and sunny again today in Texas. I can't say how warm because I don't want my friend MaggieJH to feel bad about our warmer weather. Let's just say I had to wear my Texas Rangers baseball hat to keep the sun off my head, lest I get sunburn (ask my friend Kathee what I look like with my face sunburn).
So after arriving in Roanoke, we decided to get a drink to cool down and think about this landmark blip. We went to The Book Carriage & Coffee Shop, which has many "old style" books (not eBooks). The young woman that made our coffee drinks made us happy (as my buddy bassrockbob can relate to) with a couple of iced coffees.
After we cooled down, we wandered around the store looking for books with 100 or the words one hundred on them. We started to get discouraged and wondered, like my friend Kate Chadwick sometimes does, what the heck were we going to blip, when my beautiful wife Cheryl discovered the appropriate book that went along with my Texas Rangers hat.
Thank you to all my friends, plus many more that I didn't list, who encouraged me this far in my journey to 365.
P.S. My wife Cheryl took the picture!
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