Dutchoak's (not so) Daily

By dutchoak

New Lines

A large earth dike that crossed the garden has bothered me for the past 10 years. Over the past 5 years, I've dug most of it away, using my trusted Matador and shovel.
When weary, I'll sit down on the bistro chair.

Today, I've dug out borders, sowed in grass paths, lined everything with clinkers. A whole new set of lines appear. The entrance to the greenhouse gets a whole new dimension and new possibilities arise!

In the weeks to come, I'll complete the project. Mrs. Dutchoak has expressly forbidden moving any of the Rhodo's until they've completed flowering. So, that'll dictate the planning of this project.

However, on my other project, little progress has been made in a year. This'll be my next venture!

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