The Races

2years 199 days

We've got beautiful sunshine this morning, despite a forecast of pretty horrendous weather. Katie went outside at 7am and has spent most of the last 90 minutes out there, only just coming in. She's been pushing her baby around, has put her in Katie's helmet "so you can ride safe on the bike" and she's had my helmet on to be Mummy. She's done a good job clearing the dandelions, then run back in to feed some of them to the rabbits.

Katie is very excited this morning - after a brief trip to the shops with Mummy (where she has said she wants to buy a new pink hairband) she's going out for the day with Granny and Grandad. They offered so Mummy can work on the two assignments due this week. They're going for a walk together; GrannyGrandad like to have a pushchair for such excursions so Katie is rather fascinated that the almost-never-used pushchair has appeared from under its pile of toys etc in the shed. Their walk is going to take them to their afternoon's fun: at the Races!

None of us have ever been to the Races. However our local tourist information said that this is the only Bank Holiday event, so we thought why not, she's looking forward to seeing the horses running and having a picnic. The racecourse is next to the bluebell wood so they're probably going to have a visit there too.

Katie's got her new froggy wellies on, and is not keen to take them off, so its a good job she can give them a proper workout today!

EDIT: I have changed the photo. I didnt expect the weather to be at all good, or to stay dry, so none of us were over optimistic about the Races trip. But it turned out it was a family fun day, it stayed mostly dry, and Katie had a FABULOUS day. Absolutely wonderful time. Rides, a petting zoo, a bouncy castle, ferret racing. And "horses run with the mens" too! She saw a "dragon" called Tommy, she petted ferrets, chickens, rabbits, the lizard thing. She ate a good picnic. After which she walked most of the way home too! She's had a ball. I'm just a little jealous! My favourite of these photos is the middle one - I love how Monkey is looking at the camera with a smile whilst she's beaming!

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