Ellisroger Photos

By Ellisroger


Since retiring, almost six weeks ago, I have been struggling to establish a new identity - and I don't mean I am going to fake my disappearance. I used to identify myself by my job, which was very demanding and, at times, all consuming. I am now discovering how important that was to me. In my new life, I am trying to forge a completely new self-image, not based on my formal profession but based on what I enjoy and how I live my life. That is far easier to write than to achieve.

Today, after taking my car to be repaired (I discover it can't be because, according to the repairers "Germany sent the wrong part." That Angela Merkel, eh?) I was walking home and, coming from the opposite direction, passed within 2 feet of someone who used to work for me until very recently. She didn't show any sign of recognising me. That may be because I had on a waterproof jacket and trousers. It may be because I was listening to Rage Against the Machine on my iPod. But not a flicker (I almost typed Flickr.)

I decided to try my macro lens again. I have a book advising how to use it well. Clearly, I need to read it. This blip isn't the best photograph I have ever taken. It is not even the best I have taken today. But it made me think even more about identity.

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