Simply Me

By Suze981

It's a hard life being a swan...

Went out for a quick run tonight after work. It was only a 4 miler - you can definitely tell I'm on a taper can't you? It feels like nothing! Oh well, not counting today, there's only 11 days to go until the marathon. That's only 5 more runs...eek :)

I took a couple of pictures around St Margaret's Loch on my run. It's the man made loch on the north side of Holyrood park. Apparently it used to be a boating pond (but that's before my time) - now its home to the swans and ducks.

I hadn't meant to blip this photo - I had a black and white arty shot of the loch, St Anthony's chapel and some trees all lined up. I was just putting my iPhone away as I saw this lone swan. It wasn't until I got home that I realised how much I liked the shot.

I love the ripples created from the swan swimming and the way the blue and white of the reflected sky looks like paint.

(with more viewings, I've realised that another reason I like it is that the blue and the green are expect them to be the opposite way round.)

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