More new lego

Bit of an odd night last night. Ben half asleep wriggled over to where Daddy ought to have been and squeaked when he started falling out of bed, so both of us were a bit paranoid of him falling out after that. This morning he sat up and said "mama, I want daddy..." so he climbed out of our bed and snuggled in with daddy on his lilo on the floor. And fell asleep again!

Breakfast was yummy - porridge, banana and strawberry. Charley decided strawberries were pretty good. I've still not got round to cleaning the strawberry residue off his face and we're on our way home now. Mind you it's had pizza, cucumber, tomato, scone, chocolate finger, rich tea biscuit, ham, pineapple, potato, green beans and carrots to add to it since. He's had a good time with food today. A big juicy raisin was quite a hit, he must've spent a good five minutes chewing on it like a piece of gum! Was sick after spitting it out, from all the swallowed saliva. Ah well.

After breakfast we went out on our wild goose chase adventure to find the second of this week's free lego toys. After discovering WHSmiths was closed (and it's a 10 minute drive away to start with) we had to console Ben (who was already tired and starting to go into meltdown) by turning it into a game. We had "clues" which led us to the next part of the treasure hunt. So the first "clue" led us to Starbucks for take-out coffees for Mama and Daddy (a big fib but we needed coffee). There was a "clue" in there that said to go to Tesco (fib) for a newspaper (correct). The newspaper had a token (correct) to take to the toy shop (correct). But the toy shop was almost 20 minutes' drive away and Charley was fed up by the time we got there. He perked up with cuddles, Ben was distracted by every single toy (but at least we got our Batmobile lego) and didn't want to leave because Rory the Racing Car was in the exit of the store and he wanted to drive it forever. We got him in the car eventually and headed home which took another very long time and Charley was most displeased again. He's not enjoying car journeys at the moment. At least, not the falling asleep bit.

The afternoon has been a happy chillout: playing games on the Wii, a big snoozy boob for Charley, cuddles with Gran, packing, chatting. My parents came round to join us for tea as well.

Then hometime. We set off at 7.30pm. Ben was asleep before we'd even reached the garage for diesel. Charley was already crying. After many failed attempts at placating him, we stopped at Sandbach and managed to squeeze me in the back between the two carseats. After a happy little while playing, the crying started again. He wanted to go to sleep, ergo, he wanted a boob. So I did something I never ever thought would be physically possible and got a boob in his mouth without undoing any seatbelts. He was asleep within a minute.

So THAT'S why God made that boob significantly bigger than the other!!!

And that also solves the problem of what to do with the car if we have a third child. Ben in the front, Charley in the big rear-facing seat, Baby in the baby seat, me in the middle. Ta-da!!

Of course, this means I'm no longer praying for twin girls next.

But, then, Ben then woke up. And would not go back to sleep. He went in with Steve to the services at Norton Canes and came back with a colouring book and some food because he was hungry (on account of not having EATEN at dinner *sigh*) not that he actually ate any anyway. And he still didn't sleep. We gave him til Cherwell Valley to drop off but He. Did. Not. Sleep. At Cherwell I very elegantly (not) squeezed out to do some driving, at which point Ben woke Charley up begging to go into the services. I squeezed back in and fed Charley back to sleep while we both got cross at Ben, trying to get him to shut up. Eventually Charley fell asleep by which time I DID need a wee so Ben got to go into the services after all. Back into the car and aimed for Beaconsfield and Ben finally fell asleep at Oxford and Charley just about made it to Beaconsfield with five minutes to go and we stopped because we needed a break before we went insane.

Ben had chips and hot chocolate and a run around, Charley had a kickabout and two nappy changes, we got back in the car fed Charley to sleep and made it home by just gone 3am. In bed by half past. Gaahhh!! It's going to be a while before I can face a solo journey up north.

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