
By MaybeDailyBob

Blue Sky Over The Bell Tower

Another in the somewhat haphazard mini series of blue sky over. This is the war memorial and bell tower at the church in Theale. Lovely blue sky and I love the vapour trail.
The best laid plans of men and mice as they say. We hatched a plan to surprise Jane for her birthday, Rosie would fly down from Manchester after work yesterday and I wold make an excuse to leave the house and return with her as a surprise. Unfortunately Flybe had other ideas and instead of landing at 9.15 pm she left Manchester at 9.30 and arrived in Southampton at 10.30. So before I tried to even come up with a reason to be going out at 10.15 Adam and I had to let Jane in on the plan. She was delighted but not quite the surprise surprise we had planned. Tonight we are out for a meal, tomorrow we will have Jane's traditional birthday dinner of Jersey Royals, asparagus and crispy bacon and on Saturday Jane I are off to London to see the Lucian Freud Portraits, so her birthday stretches into birthdays.
The phrase the best laid plans of men and mice comes from Robert Burns' poem To a Mouse, 1786. It tells of how he, while ploughing a field, upturned a mouse's nest. The resulting poem is an apology to the mouse

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