
By Memories4Me

The Thaw Begins

Dear Diary,

After several days of above freezing temperatures, I ventured out to the pond to see what was happening.  Along the eastern shore signs of the spring thaw were in evidence.  The ice, two feet thick in the middle, was pulling away from the shore...loosening it's grip on the water.

"Ice Out" in still weeks away but just seeing the dark blue water in one place was heartening.  We got a dusting of snow last night and they are warning of more on Saturday night but we've turned a corner.  You can feel it in the warmth of the sun.

I always look forward to the Spring but even more so this year.  When it finally does come it will be appreciated in a profound way by all of us here in the northeast.  As the sages say, if you want to truly know the light you must endure the dark.

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