
By atoll

Pat and Mary

Well MrsB abandoned me in our private little Olympic Torch moment in favour of some Prosecco and some tarts canapés over at a friends house further up the course.

Anyway, left all on my lonesome I was determined to photograph some snails (it's raining) in a clever/pretentious relay metaphor with my hedge as backdrop, when up popped Pat Moody (right) and her friend Mary Beckingham (left).

They were sat in the drizzle on my front garden wall waiting for the torch and getting there bums wet. The deal was a couple of garden seats in exchange for a photo blip.

Mary even bought me a Union flag which was kind as all I had was a Flag of St George, they being all that was left in the shops yesterday. I even saw a man selling Olympic Torch Umbrellas - but not an official sponsors logo in sight (clap 'em in irons in the Tower for the audacity). Sad I know, but I was very excited at that because it was exactly in the same viewpoint as my Triple Umbrella Blip whammy of the 29th April and there were even two little girls with brollys stood in the same spot.

Gotta go torch is coming.....

Postscript: The first torch went through on a coach followed by all the sponsors and I thought what a rip off. Only realised after the proper torch bearer was coming through. Have a look at him running past my neatly trimmed hedge as well as 'Umbrella Man' on my Blipfolio.

The positive outshot of all this is that dear old Mary and Pat have been invited to pop in for tea whenever passing by. Pat has just moved up from Kent to a sheltered flat across our road to be nearer her family following the recent death of her husband. Mary is just one of those very kindly souls who has befriended her - I think maybe through the church. Made me think of my own mum, so was really glad to have made the effort. Blipfoto contributed to that decision so that's really good isn't it?

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