family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

welcome to the world Caleb George Mills

The day our family of three became four.

Monday 28th of May, one day before our due date, thanks to his big sister Erin, our boy Caleb decided to make a speedy entrance into the world.

while madam was splashing in the paddling pool and mummy was soaking her very large swollen feet, little did we know the evening ahead was about to get interesting. Erin kept insisting on going in doors with her wet feet, but why would she listen to me, what do i know. but the final time she slips, i heard from outside the biggest thud, i run in side (and possibly leapt over the paddling pool) picked up Erin and made sure everything was ok. 10 minutes later the fun started....

4:10pm, contractions start, 3 mins apart from the get go, lasting a good minute each.
4:25pm, dad arrives to keep erin entertained while i do my thing, and also trying to sort out her outfit for her jubilee party the next day.
4:45pm, mark gets home from work, but this point the contractions are getting stronger.
6pm, ring hospital who advise to come in, so we go in the action station, packing the last bits of the hospital bag, getting Erin sorted, mark starts loading the car.
6:45pm, leave for the hospital on what seemed the longest most painful journey in the world.
7pm gets to the hospital and they advise that the birth pool is already running, they had checked my notes from last time and did this on their own back.
7:30p, only 4cm a bit deflated by this but no time to think about it as contractions are now very intense, start the gas and air.
8pm, move into pool room, just in time for mum to arrive in her sisters uniform still.
8:45pm have the over whelming urge to push
8:57pm after 3 pushes my baby boy has arrived!!

Caleb George Mills, born at 8:57pm weighing 8lb.

everyone got cleaned up and off we all went home. back to our own beds ready to start the next day as a family of four xx

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