Life Dancing

By lifedancing


Very late finish today.
Probably not a good idea to write when tired - life is just way too complicated right now. Feel stretched in every direction...good and bad.

(Joni Mitchell / Blue)

Took this shot early - no chance to take any other shots.
Love the hues of these old roof tiles but today was overcast and the colours look a bit flat.

There are now Blue Tits and Chaffinches in the trees...such a pleasure to hear the birdsong. No sign any Robins yet...

Had hung a coil birdfeeder up with fruit inside to see if there would be any interest as some birds are attracted to fruit.
It hasn't been touched, unlike the seed and nut feeder which I can see is going to be costly.

Opened the window to check the feeder and a little chaffinch landed on the window sill.
Thought she would be wary at seeing me and she did take off but then came back on the ledge, hopping around and then "Prrrrrpped" at me.
Made me laugh.
She seemed curious but most likely she was warning me off her territory!

Nighty night

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