horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Figgaters Assemble

I'm trying to scale back any slight role I have in the Friends group for the local park - I just have some other priorities I need to focus on. But a while back I'd agreed to take part in three school assemblies, for three primary schools bordering the park, and do a segment on the wildlife in the park. It's all with the aim of the kids being able to give ideas to a graffiti artist who is going to be transforming underneath one bridge which is just a concrete tagged mess.

Anyway, today was the first one, and I wound up being the longest section, popping up pictures of the wildlife for the kids to try and guess what they were, and me to give some background. I can only assume they were enjoying it given the increase in volume from the almost 400 strong audience each time a picture came up on the big overhead screen.

Scary stuff, but fun, and I like to think that even if one of them has come away with more of an interest in wildlife then I've done my bit.

The rest of the day was a continuation of the daftly busy new job, before cocktails in the garden. Weekend begins.

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