living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


Today has been a day of firsts. I know I said yesterday that I thought Ash might be close to crawling but I never thought it would be this soon! He first rolled from his front to his back, then fully impressed us with his back to front rolling moves! Go Ash!

For Cleo it was her first al fresco potty experience. She was playing outside with Rubie (we are visiting grandma and Rubie this weekend) and decided she wanted a wee so she dragged the potty outside and went there and then under the sun and the trees with the birdies chirping away. I think she is getting it, though who knows how long it will be until she is actually dry. I have to say it will be nice to only have one in nappies again, no matter how cute they are less washing is always a good thing.

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