
By Shaaamie

There's a party going on right here

A celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and Shaaamie's 300th Blip!

So bring your good times and your laughter too!

We're gonna celebrate this party with you.

OK ... This is what we're going to do ...

Go upstairs/into your bedroom and put on your glad rags / Party frock (ladies only, please) / white 'John Travolta' suit ...

You're looking g-o-o-d ...

Pour yourself something fizzy ...

Click on the link and turn the volume up ...

Move away from the computer.

Now ... dance / boogie / throw some shapes ... and sing along ... Sing louder!

Come on ... Move those hips!

Yeah - hoo!

iPhone 3GS : f/2.8 : 1/100" : 3.9mm

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