For the family

By RonaMac

Food....who said there was food....?

The BBQ that we went to last night was wet....wet...& cold!! Fortunately the couple organising it had sturdy outdoor gazebo type shelters and plenty of seats, so we had some comfort. The food was great and plentiful! When you are feeding mostly young male athletes you calculate what you think you need and double it!! In spite of the weather it was a great evening.

Chaotic day today!! Haven't done much of what was planned, with the exception of the Tesco's trip. B's back is still twitchy, so once again I set off in his car to do the shopping.

On the way back called by the pond, haven't been there for about 6 weeks, so many new chicks on the scene and plenty of disobedience!!

A pair of Canada geese has 4 large babies and the sight of people with bread started a mini stampede. One of the Mallard chicks joined in, much to the consternation of mum. The others cuddled up together and tried to shelter from the rain. A moorhen gave up on her brood, as all 5 took off round the pond in different directions whenever she tried to round them up, (the term "herding cats" came to mind). This one had a paddle!

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