Well, its not QUITE dawn, but pretty damn close! the slightly earlier photos just didn't cut the mustard, and while this one isn't quite what I wanted, as there's no sparkle on the snow on the fencing wire, it shows the sky lightening for a new day, the SNOW everywhere! lol
ALL the fences looked like the wires on this one, the trees were similarly bedecked with snow, there were branches down - either broken or severly bendng from the weight of the snow. Animal prints through pristeen expanses of the white stuff... and it was gorgeous fluffy white stuff too.
More snow in this one, than the largest one we had last year, infact I think this has been about the most snow we have had since we have been here. I remember one back when I was younger, LOTS younger, that was bigger than this, but then we also lived closer to the mountains then - in fact just about right under the mountain in skyline of the photo - Mount Grey.
The day has turned out warm and sunny, the snow is melting off the trees and other places quite quickly, however its still laying on the ground with little melt there. The grader has been up our road - now that's the first time I've seen that too! Had a lovely visit from barking and R and of course Cousteau, but wouldn't you know it, the battery was flat on the camera so they escaped without me torturing them - why was the battery not charged you asked? We had no power for nearly 24 hours! bbbrrrrr, in fact it only came back on about 10 minutes before Barking and R arrived.
- 0
- 0
- Nikon D3100
- 1/33
- f/4.0
- 24mm
- 320
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