A map of the back of beyond

When asked why, I will simply answer 'because I could', or maybe 'he who dares bares'.

Saw a Facebook post today that made me rather mad. It was for a fruit called Sour Sop and was accompanied by the claim that it was 10,000 time stronger than chemo at killing cancer but was being hushed up by the drug companies who have a vested interest in doing so in order to keep their profits up. There is evidence that this fruit contains chemicals that can have a positive effect on certain cancers, but not all cancers and the potential side effects of prolonged use are unknown. I have no issue with crackpot theorists, they are free to think whatever they like as far as I'm concerned. My gripe is that people with cancer are desperate for that miracle cure and will all too easily follow advice that is at best simply misleading, but at worst potentially harmful.  This falls into the latter category because they are as good as suggesting that you should abandon conventional treatment in favour of this fruit. That's tantamount to assisted suicide in my book and this stuff should be removed from the internet.

Rant over. Nudity and a rant in a single blip - how refreshing.

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