From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Almost Midnight Blues!

I should have entitled this 'Time Flies' instead.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks
'Oh dearie me! I'm running late again!' and then spends ten minutes trying to make a crack in the ceiling look interesting before giving up and opening the window.

I used to feel a bit jittery opening the window and leaning out into the darkness. Being brought up watching horror films has done that. I always used to cringe, petrified, as some daft character decided to lean out of a window investigating a bump in the night only to be leapt upon and dragged out of the window while loud scary music jangles making you screech and jump off your settee with chest thumping. It's no good for you at all, you know? I reckon I've lost years off my life getting 'fright' moments watching these horrible films!

Anyway, the only evil creature that got me last night was probably a midge which flew in when the window opened and lurked until I'd slept before sinking fangs into my leg. Humph!

Not quite midnight

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