Just me..

By Sunnyclouds

How are E numbers legal??

Happy Birthday May!!!

We went out for lunch and May invited Mille and Sally!! Gorgeous day with great children!! They were playing "trees" in this photo... I'm not sure Millie has been allowed sweets before, she certainly had some today!!!! To say she had an E number buzz is an understatement!

Whilst taking these photos I asked each child to shout something out. Sally wanted to shout princess, May wanted to shout birthday, Evie wanted to shout Moshi Monster and Millie squealed "I wanna shout HELMET!!!!!!!!!!" ........... And why wouldn't she?!

After I finished laughing hysterically I took the photo of her shouting HELMET!!!

Fantastic day!! Colin is frantically packing for Ibiza, he leaves tomorrow morning for a week. I'm refusing to help him pack.... I might have hidden his left flip flop too... ;)

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