
By Fido

My Lovely Husband

Back in mid February my lovely husband finished working with the company he had been with for about 8 years. He had been instrumental in setting up the company, a university spin out, commercialising technology used in the Oil & Gas industry, and it was a rollercoaster of a journey from day one. After a lot of thought he felt it was time to come out of the company and have some space before embarking on something new.

Over the past four months he has been at home, enjoying spending time with our little ones, picking them up from school and having after school snacks together, something he previously was never able to do. Amongst lots of other things he has also done an incredible job in our garden, helped my dad replace our leaking shower, cycled lots of miles and improved our mealtimes no end with the most incredible salads.

Thanks Iain :)

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