A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Fade to Grey

Today was my last day of education! HAZAR! It's quite surreal realising that that is officially it, me done & dusted, over & out. Not quite sure when it will sink in.

However, this picture does not depict me partying hard, or even the reverse of me finally napping with content, exhausted after many years of grueling schooling. Oh no, this describes my LONG-stay at the College of Law carpark following my family law exam.

When we arrived at college at 1.30pm that day, whilst we were looking for a parking space, my car made a funny, yet actually not so funny clunking noise. Needless to say, with me gassing it full pedal & Jenny pushing from behind, we managed to maneuver ourselves into a space & make the exam. Once we'd finished at 5pm, we returned to car & I made a call to the AA. After some difficulty in establishing where we were actually broken down with the lady on the phone, we were told they were on their way! So we'd be home before long..

And so we set about sitting, waiting, in my car, whilst the car park steadily emptied & my dreams of having a celebratory beer & lounging in front of the tv that eve began to fade away. The first AA man, Rod, arrived at 7pm & spent about an hour trying to get the wheel drum off, discovering that our problem was that the break shoes had fallen off the drivers side rear wheel. So I was quite glad they chose now to go, not on the motorway at 70. Needless to say, the time ticked on. We had to vacate the college car park by 8.30 otherwise we'd get locked in. Rod then delivered the fatal news that he could not tow us home & we would therefore have to wait for AA man no.2. Not so HAZAR! anymore.

At 9pm, as the light was beginning to fade, Jen hitched a lift with Rod back to the house I was left to wait at the College entrance. Jen returned with food & jumpers, neither of which lasted more than a few seconds. That fish finger sandwich at 12.30 seemed a distant, stomach gurgling memory.

It was not until 11pm that AA man no.2, James, rocked up. It was 12 midnight when we FINALLY left. We arrived home at 1pm, to be greeted by Ma & lovely cups of Tea. Jimbo followed close behind arriving at 1.30pm. And finally finally, we made it to bed at 2pm.

What a way to celebrate the end of school. Never again.

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