Sct. Bendts Church

On the 27th March 2010 my life was turned upside down. A young mentally ill woman at work threatened to kill me with a knife.

Since then my life has been different. No always bad - but different. I know now that the world is not as safe as I thought it was.

I had a lot of help after the assault - from people I love, but also professional help from a counsellor. I love life and I love to be alive, but there are stuff that I am not so keen on. I have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome after the assault and one of my issues is sleepless nights and anxiety attacks at night when it is quiet.

Too little sleep affect your days too and after 2 years of trying to live with it, my boss thought it was time to try something else. She offered to pay for cognitive therapy if I wanted to try it. I had my first session today and I am positive.

The goal of cognitive therapy is to identify and change dysfunctional emotional responses and replace them with something more constructive. In my case we agreed that the goal is that I can go to bed when I am tired, sleep in a silent house and only feel anxiety and panic when there is a reason. I look forward to reaching that goal.

Anyway the psychologist was in Ringsted (a town 20 km from where I live), so I put the dogs in the car and took them for a walk in a new place after the session. Here they are posing in front of Sct. Bendts Church in Ringsted.

Keep your fingers crossed for a more acceptable sleeping pattern in the future!
Emmy & the Hazyland boys

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