my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

New Moon on Sunday

A quiet Sunday, the girls were with their dad and then grandad. Lily was recovering from her night out!

Both grandads loved their cards and pressies - lovely chat with GD who was really chuffed at the girls 'outakes' photos.

Horrible 'Monday tomorrow' stress tonight which is a bit of a new thing for me. Busy week ahead. *don't like*

Blip is the bird handles that Lily bought me on Saturday. I love them..but don't have a cupboard for them to go on. I'll have to get something just to put them on! other news..things with Howard Moon going well :-)


Howard Moon: I'm not wearing that on stage.

Vince Noir: I knew you'd say that. That's why I've made you... the tweed version! I call it the library suit. See this pocket? That's for your library card. See this pouch? Loose change, in case you've got any fines!

Howard Moon: ...That's pretty good, actually.


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