
By Fido

End of an era

After dropping the little ones at school this morning, dashing round Morrison's and hoovering half of the house it suddenly dawned on me the significance of the day.

A week today, next Monday morning, the little ones will be beginning their long seven week holiday (or summer school as their dad keeps referring to it as). When they return to primary school (or start, in the case of the little one) in mid August it is likely that my lovely husband will also be starting back in some form of work and therefore opportunities for quiet, child free walks, cycles or coffees together will be greatly reduced.

Realising this, we ditched the remainder of the housework and headed out for a wee morning coffee together.

After rather fleetingly taking a few photos I noticed that there were two other men sitting at tables in the m&s cafe waiting for their ladies to bring the coffees back to them. I wondered if they too were being treated to an end of an era Monday morning coffee curtsey of a fully stamped loyalty card?

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