
By Juleshki

Looking back

He stopped and looked back.
Why did he look back?
What was it that made him stop and glance around before he cycled on along the canal?
Roy Orbison had the answer.

It was a young woman who had walked past him with her dog.

Nothing changes!

It would seem I've been around here on Blip for a while now.
Fancy that!

I didn't imagine I would still be here blipping away after this amount of time.
I know some of you lovely people have been on here for yonks and yonks.
And you inspire, you do. I hope you know that?!
There have been one or two occasions when I thought of giving Blip up, but I'm still here. And glad I didn't.

I feel I know many of you as friends now, as I weave in and out of your daily lives.

I know your favourite places!
Your families!
Your pets!
Your most favourite foods!
Your gardens!
Your hobbies!
How you like to spend your weekends!
Your likes!
Your dislikes!
When you have a good day.
When you have a bad day.
When you are happy.
When you are sad.

Just how amazing is that?

A lot of you already know.
And if you don't yet know how good it is on here, I hope it won't be long before you do.

Thank you Blipfoto and to everyone who visits my journal, and an especially big thank you to those of you who drop by often, thank you so much for all your comments, stars, faves and support!


Looking forward.... to the next 500!
Which could be around October next year, but knowing me it'll be a tad after that.
No rush!

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