m o s s t r o o p e r

By mosstrooper


I thought I'd attempt to capture something completely different today. There's a derelict warehouse not far from my usual cycle route which I've ridden past many times. This morning I decided to go and investigate. It was heavily boarded up so I was unable to get inside but there was an opening in the corrugated iron big enough to push my camera through. It's a fairly large warehouse so this shot only shows a proportion of what's actually there. The walls were filled with graffiti tags and I'm sure there will be many other blip opportunities to be had. I was a little pressed for time today but I'll certainly be making a return visit. In the meantime I'll try and do some research to find out what the building was once used for.

I got back home just in time before the heavens opened. Even though its pittling down outside its actually really warm. Not that I'm fazed as I've only got another 48 hours to go and then I'll be leaving this dismal weather behind :-)

My Father phoned me last night to let me know that my Nana hasn't been well so I'm going to pop in and see her later on this afternoon. And then I'm off to see Mrs Browns Boys at the Metro Radio Arena tonight. It's going to be a busy day which is why I'm posting early.

Here are some other shots from the same place.
Yellow Jack
Let us remember

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