The tale of our lilies

We've had lilies in the balcony for many years - largely selfseeded from a pot we were originally given, I think. Usually we get a bumper crop of flowers, although this has often been in the first two weeks of July when we generally go away. The irony. This year, though, we aren't going away until later so I thought we might enjoy the lilies in their prime. That reckoned without the weather, the result of which this year has been a proliferation of green on the balcony (with foliage flourishing in the rare warm days) but very little colour. There just hasn't been enough warmth for the flowers to come. I blipped the lilies last year (on June 26) and there were a lot more out than there are this year. Last year's lily picture was one of my first attempts at photographing flowers. The equipment I have this year is a bit more apt for such things.

Elsewhere, as I said, little else has flowered. A few of last year's geraniums have spluttered into life. A bank of lobelia, also planted last year, has continued to supply regularly. There are still virtually no fuschia flowers. All is basically green. Green. Green.

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