my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm


Brilliant day today.

Eve was fabulous in her assembly..I wanted to shout out "That's my daughter! LOOK... THAT ONE!" but it's frowned upon apparently.

I had a date today, he is a lovely, funny, interesting man..and despite being a top class musician not a boasting type....not up his own arse at all (hello..playing on Oasis albums!!) But THIS attitude is a refreshing change for me.

We did Rylands Library, Tampopo, Manchester Cathedral, Urbis, Cask , Piccadilly Fountains, Albert Square and North Tea Power.

Rylands Library was amazing. There are a few secret staircases that need exploring so I will BE BACK.

Manchester was full of Stone Roses fans taking in some of Madchester before the was a good atmosphere.

My Date described today as having a 'Ferris Bueller Day'

I know..right??

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