Olympic Torch Relay
Today's been quite a hectic day, in a very good way. Started off by getting up quite early to go watch my fellow Blipping buddy Paul and our mutual mate Harsh do a parkrun in the Walsall Arboretum. It was 5k, and they both completed it in under 25 mins. This made me slightly jealous, and motivated me to go into Walsall Town Centre to nab some running shoes from Sports Direct. Whilst in the Town (minus a Harsh, that is) we happened across many bizarre sights, including what looked like a giant hamster in a t-shirt, wrestling in the street and finally the Olympic Torch arriving at the Town Hall. The arrival of the torch was somewhat anti-climactic, but I now feel slightly smug at being able to say I saw it somewhere...
Following that I had lunch at Rich's Ma's house, then ended up going for a few quick bevvies in Birmingham. All in all, a very successful day.
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