Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Blue jumping spider


Well, take my wow, multiply by ten and add a few OMG's and you will begin to get an idea how today's session went. Sometimes 'spectacular' is such an under statement. And, to top off such a session, my next door neighbors Benny and Lili have just given me a big plate of chicken and rice. Benny is a very accomplished chef.

I fired off 239 frames for 37 keepers, the first at 08:23 the last at 09:39. I was tripping over dragons all the way through the session. If I got down to snap one and it flew away, I would simply swivel around and photograph something else. Perhaps I should not give you this information as it cheapens my contributions. All I can say is that if you are interested in photographing insects, this is the place to be.

But, despite all the dragons, butterflies and lizards, this little fella easily wins the day. No apologies for the unannounced spider blip as I have never seen this one before and might never again and he's cute. I can get the dragons again anyway.

Thanks for all the nice comments on my back blips, very much appreciated. Glad you liked the epic saga.

Update- Salticidae under genus of Telamonia. Not nailed it though.


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