
By iaint

The Wood

D's house in Gaimersheim relies heavily on firewood for heating in the winter, to supplement the oil fired central heating. It has a stove - more like an oven - strategically located in the wall between the living room, hall and dining room so that it heats all 3.

A common arrangement in this part of Germany. I've seen the same system elsewhere in central Europe, but never in the UK.

It works really well, so long as (if I'm home alone) I remember to feed it more wood every hour or so!

Well next winter's wood was delivered yesterday (Friday). Today it had to be moved to the woodshed and stacked. A squad of 11 family & friends assembled to shift it. Many hands make light work.

Took us 90 minutes. The main problem was that it turned out to be the hottest day of the year so far - 34°c. I did end up with a bit of a drouth.

The blip is the "before" - wood dumped in the driveway by the supplier. If you want to see the "after", I think my Facebook page is all I can offer.


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